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Arsenic & Health, Publication
  1. Majumder M, Dasgupta UB, Guha Mazumder DN and Das N. Skin score correlates with global DNA methylation and GSTO1 A140D polymorphism in arsenic-affected population of Eastern India. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 2017. 27( 6) 467–475. Download Now
  2. Golui Debasis, Guha Mazumder D.N., Sanyal S.K., Datta S.P., Ray P, Patra P.K, Sarkar S, Bhattacharya K. Safe limit of arsenic in soil in relation to dietary exposure of arsenicosis patients from Malda district, West Bengal- A case study Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144 (2017) 227–235 Download Now
  3. Banerjee S, Mahanty A, Mohanty S, Guha Mazumder DN, Cash P, Mohanty B P. Identification of potential biomarkers of hepatotoxicity by plasmaproteome analysis of arsenic-exposed carp Labeo rohita. Journal of Hazardous Materials 336 (2017) 71–80.. Download Now
  4. Majumder M, Dasgupta U B, Guha Mazumder D. N.and Das N. Skin score correlates with global DNA methylation and GSTO1 A140D polymorphism in arsenic-affected population of Eastern India.Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 2017, 27, ( 6) 467–475. Download Now
  5. GuhaMazumder, N., Saha, A., Ghosh, N. and Majumder, K. K. (2016). Effect of drinking arsenic safe water for ten years in an arsenic exposed population: Study in West Bengal, India. Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability – Bhattacharya, Vahter, Jarsio, Kumpiene, Ahmad, Sparrenbomb, Jacks, Donselear, Bundschuh, & Naidu (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London Download Now
  6. Bhowmick S, Kundu A K , Adhikari J , Chatterjee D , Iglesias M , Nriagu J, Guha Mazumder D N , Chatterjee D. Assessment of toxic metals in groundwater and saliva in an arsenic affected area of West Bengal, India: A pilot scale study. Environmental Research 2015; 142:328–336. Download Now
  7. Chanda S, Dasgupta U, Guha Mazumder D, Chaudhuri U and Ganguli B. Role of Glutathione-S-Transferase Polymorphism on Arsenic Induced DNA Hypermethylation. Toxicology International, 22 (3), 96-100. Download Now
  8. Ghose N, Majumdar , Ghose A K,. Saha C. K, Nandy A. K., Guha Mazumder D. N. Role of Folic Acid on Symptoms of Chronic Arsenic Toxicity. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 5,89-94 2014. Download Now
  9. Bhowmick S, Halder D, Nriagu J, Guha Mazumder N, Roman-Ross G, Chatterjee D and Iglesias M. Speciation of arsenic in saliva samples from a population of West Bengal, India, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014, 48, 6973–6980. Download Now
  10. Bhattacharya P, Sen P, Ghosh A, Saha C, Bhattacharya PP, Das A,Majumder KK Guha Mazumder DN, Chronic lung disease and detection of pulmonary artery dilatation in high resolution computerized tomography of chest in chronic arsenic exposure. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A,2014,49, 1453–1461. Download Now
  11. Guha Mazumder DN, Deb D, Biswas A, SahaC, Nandy A, Das A, Ghose A,Bhattacharya K, Majumdar K. Dietary arsenic exposure with low level of arsenic in drinking water and biomarker: A study in West Bengal.Journal of Env Sc and Hlth, PART A. Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Environmental Engineering.2014, 49, 555–564. Download Now
  12. Biswas A, Deb D,Ghose A,Laing G, Neve J, Santra S. C, Guha Mazumder D.N. Dietary arsenic consumption and urine arsenic in an endemic population: response to improvement of drinking water quality in a 2-year consecutive study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2013, DOI 10.1007/ s11356-013-1947-8. Download Now
  13. Halder, D. and Bhowmick, S. and Biswas, A. and Chatterjee, D. and Nriagu, J. and Guha Mazumder, D.N. and Å lejkovec, Z. and Jacks, G. and Bhattacharya, P. Risk of arsenic exposure from drinking water and dietary components: Implications for risk management in rural Bengal. Environmental Science and Technology. 2013; 47(2): 1120-1127 Download Now
  14. Paul S , Bhattacharjee P, Mishra PK, Chatterjee D,Biswas A, Deb D, Ghosh A, Guha Mazumder DN, Giri AK. Human urothelial micronucleus assay to assess genotoxic recovery by reduction of arsenic in drinking water: a cohort study in West Bengal, India. Biometals. 26:855–862,2013, DOI 10.1007/s10534-013-9652-0. Download Now
  15. Bhowmick S, Halder D, Kundu A, Saha D, Iglesias M , Nriagu J, Guha Mazumder D. N, Roman–Ross G, and Chatterjee D, Is Saliva a Potential Biomarker of Arsenic Exposure? A Case–Control Study in West Bengal, India, Sci. Technol., 2013, 47, 3326−3332. Download Now
  16. Guha Mazumder DN, MajumdarKK, Kar-Purkayastha I, Ghose A, Mistry G, Saha C, Nandy A and DasA. Ischemic heart disease in chronic arsenic exposure: A case control study in West Bengal. Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (GARJMMS) 2013; 2(2):47-54. Download Now
  17. Guha Mazumder DN, Deb D, Biswas A, Saha C, Nandy A, Ganguly B, Ghose A, Bhattacharya K, Majumdar K. Evaluation of dietary arsenic exposure and its biomarkers: A case study of West Bengal, India. Journal of Env Sc and Hlth, PART A. Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Environmental Engineering. 48,896-904, 2013. Download Now
  18. Deb D, Biswas A, Ghose A, Das A,Majumdar KK, Guha Mazumder DN. Nutritional deficiency and arsenical manifestations:a perspective study in an arsenic-endemic region of West Bengal, India. Public Health Nutrition. 16(09):1644,2013; doi:10.1017/S1368980012004697. Download Now
  19. Majumdar KK, Guha Mazumder DN. Effect of Drinking Arsenic-Contaminated Water in Children. Indian J Public Health 56: 223-6, 2012. Download Now
  20. Halder D, Bhowmick S, Biswas A, Mandal U, Nriagu J, Mazumdar DN, Chatterjee D, Bhattacharya P. Consumption of brown rice: a potential pathway for arsenic exposure in rural Bengal. Environ Sci Technol. 46(7):4142-8: 2012. Download Now
  21. Nriagu J, Lin TS, Mazumder D G, Chatterjee D. E-cadherin polymorphisms and susceptibility to arsenic-related skin lesions in West Bengal, India.Sci Total Environ. 420:65-72, 2012. Download Now
  22. Guha Mazumder DN ,Kar-Purkayastha I.Ghose A, Mistry G,Saha C,Nandy AK, Das A, and Majumder KK. Hypertension in chronic arsenic exposure: A case control study in West Bengal. J Env Sc and Health Part A, 47, 1514–1520, 2012. Download Now
  23. Basu A, Mitra S Chung J, Guha Mazumder DN, Ghosh N, Kalman D, von Ehrenstein O, Steinmaus C, Liaw J,Smith AH. Creatinine, diet, micronutrients, and arsenic methylation in West Bengal, India. Environmental Health Perspectives 119, 1308-1313,2011. Download Now
  24. Guha Mazumder DN and Dasgupta UB. D. Chronic Arsenic Toxicity: Studies in West Bengal, India. Kaohsiang J Med Sc.27.360-370,201 Download Now
  25. Chanda S, Ganguli B Dasgupta U and, Guha Mazumder DN. GST polymorphic status modifying the arsenic induced clinical manifestations in people of West Bengal, India. J Toxicol Env Hlth Sc.3;171-175,2011. Download Now
  26. GuhaMazumder DN, Ghosh A, Majumdar KK, Ghosh N, Saha C, Guha Mazumder RN. Arsenic contamination of Ground Water and its Health Impact on Population of District of Nadia, West Bengal, India. Ind. J of Community Medicine.35,331-338, 2010. Download Now
  27. Majumder KK, Guha Mazumder DN, Ghosh N, Ghosh A and Lahiri S. Systemic manifestations in chronic arsenic toxicity in absence of skin lesions in West Bengal, Indian J Med Res 129, 75-82, 2009. Download Now
  28. SunipaMajumdar, SarmisthaChanda, BhaswatiGangulys, D.N. GuhaMazumder, SarbariLahiri, Uma B Dasgupta. Arsenic Exposure Induces Genomic Hypermethylation. Env. Toxicol.25;316-318.2009 Download Now
  29. Guha Mazumder DN, Majumdar K K, Santra S. C, Hero K, Chan V. Occurrence of arsenicosis in a rural village of Cambodia, J Environmental Science and Health, Part-A,44,1-9, 2009.. Download Now
  30. GuhaMazumder DN. Chronic Arsenic Toxicity and Human Health, Indian J Med Res 128, pp 436-447, 2008. Download Now
  31. Chanda S, Dasgupta U, GuhaMazumder DN, Chaudhuri U. A Comparative Study of p53 Promoter Hypermethylation in Arsenic induced Cancer in two different tissue compartment of the body : Cancer biopsy tissue and blood. Journal of Genetic Toxicology 2008; 1 : 1-10 Download Now
  32. GuhaMazumder DN. Arsenic and non-malignant lung disease, J. Env. Sc. And Health, Part A, 42, 1859-1867, 2007a. Download Now
  33. GuhaMazumder DN. Effect of drinking arsenic contaminated water in children. Indian Pediatrics, 44, 925-927, 2007. Download Now
  34. von Ehrenstein, Ondine S; Poddar, Shalini; Yuan, Yan ; Guha Mazumder, Debendranath; EskanaziBrenda; Basu,Arin; Hira-Smith, Mira; Ghosh Nilima; Lahiri,Sarbari; Haque Raina; Ghosh,Alokendu; Kalman,Dave ;Das,Subhankar; Smith,AllanH. Children’s Intellectual Function in Relation to Arsenic Exposure. Epidemiology, 18, 44-51, 2007. Download Now
  35. Joyce S Chung, Reina Haque, DN GuhaMazumder, Lee E Moore, NilimaGhosh, SambitSamanta, Soma Mitra, Meera M Hira-Smith, Ondine von Ehrenstein, ArindamBasu, Jane Liaw, Allan H Smith.Blood concentrations of methionine, selenium, beta-carotene, and other micronutrients in a case-control study of arsenic-induced skin lesions in West Bengal, India. Environmental Research. 101,230-237,2006. Download Now
  36. von Ehrenstein OS, GuhaMazumder DN, Ghosh N et al Pregnancy outcomes, infant mortality and arsenic in drinking water in West Bengal, India, , Am J Epidemiol 163,662-9,2006. Download Now
  37. SarmishthaChanda, Uma B. Dasgupta, DebendranathGuhaMazumder, Mausumi Gupta, UtpalChaudhuri, SarbariLahiri, Subhankar Das, NilimaGhosh, DebduttaChatterjee DNA Hypermethylation of Promoter of Gene p53 and p16 in Arsenic Exposed People with and without Malignancy.. Toxicolscience.89(2)431-7 : 2006. Download Now
  38. Xavier Savarimuthu­c, Meera M Hira-Smith,,Yan Yuan, , Ondine S. von Ehrenstein, , Subhankar Das, NilimaGhosh, D N GuhaMazumder, Allan H Smith.Seasonal Variation of Arsenic Concentration in Tube Wells in West Bengal, India. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition.24; 277-281,2006.  Download Now
  39. Guha Mazumder DN, Craig S, Bhattacharya P, von Ehrenstein O, Ghosh N, Gotway M, Sil A, Balmes JR, Haque R, Hira-Smith MM, Smith A. Bronchiectasis in persons with skin lesions resulting from Arsenic in Drinking Water . Epidemiology 16, 760-765, 2005. Download Now
  40. von Ehrenstein, O. S., GuhaMazumder, D.N., Yuan, Y., Samanta, S., Balmes, J., Sil, A., Ghosh, N., Smith, M.H., Haque, R., Purushothamam, R., Lahiri, S., Das, S.,and Smith, A.H.( 2005). Decrements in Lung Function Related to Arsenic in Drinking Water in West Bengal, India. Am J. Epidemiology162,533-541. Download Now
  41. GuhaMazumder D.N.Effect of chronic intake of arsenic contaminated water on liver. Toxicology and Apppl. Pharmacology, 206/2 169-175, 2005. Download Now
  42. Das S, Santra A, Lahiri S and GuhaMazumder D. N.Implications of oxidative stress and hepatic cytokine (TNF alpha and IL-6) response in the pathogenesis of hepatic collagenesis in chronic arsenic toxicity. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 204: 18-26, 2005. Download Now
  43. Mitra S, GuhaMazumder DN, Basu A, Block G, Haque R, Samanta S, Ghosh N, Smith M H, Ehrenstein OSV, and Smith A H.Nutritional Factors and susceptibility to arsenic-caused skin lesions in West Bengal, India. Envl. Health. Presp. 112;1104-09, 2004. Download Now
  44. Guha Mazumder D.N. Arsenic in Drinking Water 4.2. Toxic effects in Some Drinking Water Disinfectants and Contaminants including Arsenic. In IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Volume 84. 2004, Lyon, France. Download Now
  45. Haque R, GuhaMazumder DN, Samanta S, Ghosh N, Kalman D, Smith M.M., Mitra S, Santra A, Lahiri S, Das S, De BK & Smith AH. Arsenic in Drinking Water and Skin Lesions : Dose-Response Data from West Bengal, India. Int J Epidemiol 2003;14:174-182 . Download Now
  46. Guha Mazumder DN. Chronic Arsenic toxicity : Clinical features, epidemiology and treatment : Experience in West Bengal. Journal of Environmental Science and Health 2003;38(1):141-163. Download Now
  47. Chung JS, Kalman DA, Moore LE, Kosnett MJ, Arroyo AP, Beeris M, GuhaMazumder DN, Hernandez AL, Smith AH. Family correlations of arsenic methylation patterns in children and parents exposed to high concentrations of arsenic in drinking water. Environ Health Perspect 2002 Jul;110(7):729-33. Download Now
  48. GuhaMazumder DN, De BK, Santra A, Ghosh N, Das S,Lahiri S, Das T. Randomized placebo-controlled trial of 2,3-dimercapto-1-propane-sulfonate (DMPS) in therapy of chronic arsenicosis due to drinking arsenic contaminated water. J Toxicoal ClinToxicol 2001; 39(7): 665-674. Download Now
  49. Guha Mazumder DN. Arsenic in Drinking Water 4.2. Toxic effects.in IARC Monograph on Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol.84, Some drinking water disinfectants and contaminants, includingArsenic. 2004, Lyon, France. Download Now
  50. GuhaMazumder DN Arsenic and liver disease.. J Indian Med Assoc 2001; 99(6): 311-20.. Download Now
  51. Guha Mazumder DN. Clinical aspects of chronic arsenic toxicity. J Assoc Physicians India 2001 Jun;49:650-5. Download Now
  52. . Guha Mazumder D.N. 2000. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic arsenic poisoning. United Nations Synthesis Report on Arsenic in Drinking water.www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/arsenic3/. Download Now
  53. Paul PC, Chattopadhyay A, Dutta SK, GuhaMazumder DN, Santra A. Histopathology of skin lesions in chronic arsenic toxicity--grading of changes and study of proliferative markers. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2000;43(3):257-64. Download Now
  54. GuhaMazumder DN, Haque R, Ghosh N, De BK, Santra A, Chakraborti D, Smith AH Arsenic in drinking water and the prevalence of respiratory effects in West Bengal, India.. Int J Epidemiol 2000;29(6):1047-52. Download Now
  55. Santra A, Maiti A, Das S, Lahiri S, Charkaborty SK, GuhaMazumder DN. Hepatic damage caused by chronic arsenic toxicity in experimental animals.J ToxicolClinToxicol 2000;38(4):395-405. Download Now
  56. Santra A, Maiti A, Chowdhury A, GuhaMazumder DN.Oxidative stress in liver of mice exposed to arsenic-contaminated water. Indian J Gastroenterol 2000 Jul-Sep;19(3):112-5 Download Now
  57. Santra A, Das Gupta J, De BK, Roy B, GuhaMazumder DN. Hepatic manifestations in chronic arsenic toxicity. Indian J Gastroenterol 1999 Oct-Nov;18(4):152-5. Download Now
  58. GuhaMazumder DN, Ghoshal UC, Saha J, Santra A, De BK, Chatterjee A, Dutta S, Angle CR, Centeno JA.Randomized placebo-controlled trial of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid in therapy of chronic arsenicosis due to drinking arsenic-contaminated subsoil water. J Toxicol ClinToxicol 1998(36)683-690. Download Now
  59. GuhaMazumder DN, Haque R, Ghosh N, De BK, Santra A, Chakraborty D, Smith AH. Arsenic levels in drinking water and the prevalence of skin lesions in West Bengal, India. Int J Epidemiol 1998 Oct;27(5):871-7. Download Now
  60. GuhaMazumder DN, Das Gupta J, Santra A, Pal A, Ghose A, Sarkar S.Chronic arsenic toxicity in west Bengal--the worst calamity in the world. J Indian Med Assoc 1998 Jan;96(1):4-7, Download Now
  61. Guha Mazumder DN, Das Gupta J, Chakraborty AK, Chatterjee A, Das D, Chakraborti D.Environmental pollution and chronic arsenicosis in south Calcutta.
    Bull World Health Organ 1992;70(4):481-5. Download Now
  62. GuhaMazumder DN, Chakraborty AK, Ghose A, Gupta JD, Chakraborty DP, Dey SB, Chattopadhyay N. Chronic arsenic toxicity from drinking tube well water in rural West Bengal. Bull World Health Organ 1988;66(4):499-506. Download Now
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