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About Us
About DNGM Reserch Foundation

DNGM Research Foundation is a Registered Charitable Trust,established on 20th September 1999, registered under Indian Trust Act 1882, to undertake social service, clinical and bio-medical research and education. The important objectives of the foundation are as follows:


Social Service
  • Establishment of free health clinic at Kolkata hospital and rural locations for treatment of poor patients.
  • Running Health clinic and Community centre for offering free medical treatment and referral services to poor villagers in distant villages and imparting awareness generation and training of paramedics and villagers for maintenance of healthy living.
  • Mitigation programme on chronic arsenic toxicity including awareness generation, case detection and treatment, training of personnel and facilitation of safe water supply in arsenic affected areas.
  • Imparting education to under privileged people.


Biomedical Research, Awareness generation, Education, Training and Preventive community health activity
  • To organize and undertake clinical and bio-medical research and community health and sanitation program.

    a) With special reference to Chronic Arsenic Toxicity due to drinking of Arsenic contaminated water.

    b) Project for prevention and management of acute Diarrheal disease in children, improvement of Maternal and child health, nutrition among residents in villages of Sunderbanans,

    c) Program for household water security, water conservation and sanitation in villages.

  • To offer consultancy service by experts of the foundation.
  • To identify common health problems among the people and to undertake studies to ascertain their disease prevalence, socio-economic, health and sanitation status.
  • To undertake Continued Medical Education (CME) program among medical students and teachers, medical practitioners and health administrators, paramedical personnel and common people.
  • Establish centres for research and mitigation of specific health problems for the people.
  • Maintain reprints of research publications, reference books, thesis and various reports in the library of the foundation office for use by research workers.
  • Maintain records of all research activities carried out by Dr. D.N. Guha Mazumder in the past: namely on Mycotoxicosis, Diphtheria, Small pox, Tetanus, Diarrhoeal disease, Tropical sprue, Giardiasis, Ascariasis, Dyspepsia, H. Pylori, Liver Fibrosis and portal hypertension, viral hepatitis and arsenicosis.


Brief Activity past and present


A. On the problem of arsenicosis in India and abroad

As millions of people in various parts of the world including India are afflicted with the environmental catastrophe caused by consumption of arsenic contaminated groundwater, causing immense health hazard, the foundation is involved in mitigation of the problem in the following areas:

  • Case detection by home visit and organising health camp in arsenic affected areas.
  • Awareness generation among the people regarding health effect caused by chronic arsenic toxicity and its mitigation strategy.
  • Training of Medical teachers, doctors and health administrators, paramedical personnel and common people on health effects of arsenic toxicity and its mitigation.
  • Research on arsenic toxicity on health, Mitigation of arsenic problem and Arsenic in FoodChain.
  • Consultation service to scientific workers  and national and international organizations on diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology and other related issues on Arsenic and ground water contamination.
  • Running arsenic clinics in rural hospitals in the affected areas and in a referral hospital in Kolkata.


B. Continued Medical Education among Medical Practitioners

The foundation conducts Continued Medical Education (CME) program for medical teachers and medical practitioners. The topics of the program are:

  • Management and prevention of Acute Viral Hepatitis.
  • Management and prevention of chronic liver disease.
  • Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of chronic arsenic toxicity.



  • Running Health clinics for offering free medical treatment and offering referral services to poor villagers in distant villages of Sundarban Area,South 24 Parganas, West Bengal.
  • Imparting awareness generation and training of paramedics and villagers for prevention of communicable disease, safe child and motherhood and prevention of malnutrition in the said region.
  • Program for household water security, water conservation and sanitation in villages of Sundarban Area.
  • Planning for Study on arsenic related cancer epidemiology in a arsenic affected district of West Bengal.
  • Planning for awareness generation and application of methods for adoption of use of arsenic safe water for drinking and cooking purpose by villagers in arsenic endemic region.
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